Driving Around September 27, 2014/in Malaysia /by Angela TurnbullWe took a number of drives to get familiar with the area. There are palm plantations all over. Palm oil is a commercial crop here, so instead of the flat farmland you’d see in the USA, it’s forests of palmtrees. Kota Iskandar entranceA state government administration complex - very new, and very cool looking (can't go wrong with cannons as decorations)Red Sister PlantsPoles are fair game for advertsStreet Sign = Ad SpaceStop Sign? No, more ad space http://turnbullcustomart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/tca_logo_web1-300x137.png 0 0 Angela Turnbull http://turnbullcustomart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/tca_logo_web1-300x137.png Angela Turnbull2014-09-27 09:24:042015-01-06 12:56:12Driving Around